9 Proven Ways to Combat Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness

Ellie Busby (MSc, mBANT)
6 min readNov 3, 2020

Do you ever have sore muscles the day after exercise?
The kind of soreness that stops you from exercising that day?
Soreness that you could really do without (and doesn’t actually have to be part of your life)?

The technical term for it is delayed-onset muscle soreness (1). You’ll usually feel the aches and pains the day after training (usually when you wake up the next morning). It typically lasts for 3–5 days.



Ellie Busby (MSc, mBANT)

I’m Ellie: scientist, runner, baker,registered nutritionist and genetics geek at Vojo. Follow me for personalised weight loss & plant-based diet tips.